Task 3 – Trailer

“Imean uncanny in its definition as ‘strange or mysterious, in an unsettling way'”

Uncanny is places where you don’t see every day but instead that one thing in a year, a decade or lifetime you know.

My interpretation for this is places were a lifetime ago had life and now are abandoned and falling apart. how did the years effect it!

A research backing this is.


-My Story-

To highlight with a voice over(that bassy and deep) with the structure and ambient falling apart and making you imagine the life and the movementPage 1Page 2

Here you can find the link to the power point :

Task 3 – Visual Thinking – Trailer


Google.com.mt. (2017). uncanny places – Google Search. [online] Available at: https://www.google.com.mt/search?rlz=1C1GGRV_enMT752MT752&biw=1920&bih=949&ei=FwYvWt29NMXeU7KrstgO&q=uncanny+places&oq=uncanny+places&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0i22i30k1.670755.674280.0.674581.….0…1c.1.64.psy-ab..0.14.1291…0j46j35i39k1j0i131k1j0i67k1j0i10k1j0i46k1.0.uNLaUtoW0gw [Accessed 05 Dec. 2017].

European abandoned places

Infocult: Uncanny Informatics. (2013). European abandoned places. [online] Available at: http://infocult.typepad.com/infocult/2013/10/european-abandoned-places.html [Accessed 05 Dec. 2017].