The reaserch

  1. 2 teens 1 is 16 and the other allegedly 18. She sexts and sends the image to the guy. He shares it with the whole class and gets laughed at school. We find out that he’s 3 years older and dropped school.(Luca Story Board & Mood Board)
  2. This teen sends an image to a girl. He posts it public. Gets taken down (cut) but not all the way. A few months later the image is used by another old lady to get another guy attention. (Twan Story Board & Mood Board)


  1. The end result of the sexting with guidelines and without the proper prevention. The image is seen on google images as public. then a reverse to how it all started. this guy was talking to this girl, these kids are between 15 and 16 years of age. They agree to exchange images but her phone broke and when it was taken to repair the image was leaked. By using parallel cuts if safe and unsafe was used we proceed to the end. (luca) (Add text bubbles)





Mood Board Refs

.’Why is sexting frowned upon by parents? They don’t know how to educate their children about the subject. Educate as their friend rather than their parents. Sexting is a result of miscommunication with parents about boundaries. Give them all the info and they make the decision rather than making the decision for them.reverse (Both Story Board & Mood Board)

Meeting – be SMART ONLINE !

Mission safety of minors when using the internet, raise awareness. The soft Skills

  • HelpLine
  • HotLine

Average age 35 people working on the project.

Private setting on Facebook, Instagram is done.

reach parents trough companies.

Not addiction but overuse.

Workbooks for children for grades 5,6.


  • Sexting(Explore, Coercion / Violence, Relationships, Sharing)
  • Cyber-Bullying (24/7, Large Audience)
  • Digital Footprint (Reputation, Difficult to fix, It’s permanent)
  • Grooming (Sextortion, Innocence, Long Process)


Sharing is the real issue.

Audience: Large audience (teens 13 to 16)

Social media, Certain topics, Tv and also in classes.


Discussion Starter,(PSA)

Help line reference 179 helpline

IF you offer a solution help from adult or helpline.

Possible ideas

  • Hiding behind our monitors
  • Sexing image sharing
  • female preditor….

Know the risks

lolypop app




Self-note research :

The most used internet platform amongst teens.

Lesson 2 – Brief Outline

Tuesday 20th February meeting with the client.

When dealing with a client there is a checklist you should follow (on the brief).

Create an outline to ask the client.

Research is important.

Skills needed, dumb down the tech skills.

Professional Media Practice Intro



Professional media practice. Product used in the actual world. Advert. The product is more important. Dealing with the client.

Malta communications authority joint project with kummisarju tat-tfal, Agenzija Apogg. Next week meeting the clients.

Keep track of all client communication. In groups of 2.

When we group up why did we group up with each other. ? Self-Reflection. Same qualities or filling in the gaps of skills.  Professional speed dating with skills.

List of good skills and band skills.

Knowing how to handle the situation.

Will be launched with a press conference.