You find your inspiration.
- Preparation
- Incubation
- Illumination
- Implementation
You find your inspiration.
Seeing beyond the realm of possibility, or what others think we should be doing.
Video : (William Wegman)at first disappointed but then embraced it, – good living.
Experimentation is key.
Ken Robinson, You have a value, Value is creating something you can be proud of.
Don’t be afraid to fail. The process is important as that to what happens at the end product.
Don’t hesitate to deviate, experiment, change our mind.
It’s fine if thi..ngs don’t go to plan.
Failing should be an option to learn.
Experience is something that is graphed from who we are. To out selves go and experiment.
Thinking about who we are, our dreams.
Think about the possibilities.
Consuming creative material. We are ingesting others ideas.
You are what you eat.
Creativity comes from time and sweat. (Plant, Muscle).
Exercise: Taking risks in life pays off. The best teacher is yourself. Make mistakes and learn from them.
Different paths.
Tron 2 Director use to do architecture videos before Tron.
Independent Media
Independent Media practice. Process and actual product are both important.
Defining your self as an artist.
Time lapse ..