Task 4 – Evaluation

As a whole, the video turned out very well. However, there were some features which were missing, such include the title of the project. Another aspect which could have been improved in order to reinforce the uncanny feel was the track. The main positive feature is that it is easy on the eyes rather than being too complicated to understand, this helps in order to get the message through to the audience in an efficient manner.

The visual aspect, that is; making good use of lines, patterns and different textures enhance the uncanny feel of the place while viewing the trailer. Personally, I believe that this unit has given me a different perspective on what makes the visuals of a project efficient. Throughout this unit, I feel that specific features, which previously I did not know how to create and interpret and therefore dismissed, are more significant to the audience than I would have already thought. An example of this could include the negative space in a frame, which I would have previously thought to be empty space. However, now I understand that this area can be more than emptiness as it can be used in a creative manner to further convey the intention of the video.

The name given to this unit is highly suitable for the information that is taught as it is the understanding of how we humans visually interpret certain things and have a negative-positive emotional response to what type of technique is being used to portray the meaning behind the image or video.

When learning how different aspects and features help convey the message behind visuals, it can be quite challenging. This is because trying to learn and understand things which depend on interpretation are not as simple as they seem, as one image can have various definitions which vary between one person and another. This is the primary reason behind having different styles and different ways to portray a single emotion in visual rather than having a one size fits all situation. However, knowing which methods best suit the message can also create a dilemma between people as one might prefer focusing on one feature while others might prefer another.

As with the majority of units, however, in particular with visual thinking, research was vital in order to get a better view on how different people use the techniques we were learning and also appreciating the effect that is being produced. From this research one could further understand how different opinions coming from different people result in different media being applied to various images and videos in order to convey the idea. An example can include Andrew Webb and how he describes Malta through his picture, however keeping in mind that this is only one opinion. Also it could be that one might be proud of his country and thus failing to see eye to eye on the matter.

Within the video I have produced I tried to convey these various effects, moreover different people would find them to be more or less effective depending on personality, culture as well as other aspects related to media they are exposed to on a daily basis.

Since this task was peer reviewed I felt that a better form of feedback was received rather than when getting an opinion from a single lecturer. Firstly because two opinions were given rather than having a single opinion, hence having my work viewed from different perspectives. Secondly whilst reviewing other people’s works I felt that I could further improve my personal skills by learning from their mistakes as well as from their merits.

The right approach for further development is to research more on film noir and go into more depth on how to creatively use the available frame you have in a video or photo. This can be fundamental in journalism and news related aspects of media where the viewer is influenced by the writer or the one investigating. Also had I paid more attention to detail in my edit, I think it would have turned out much better regarding the aspect in the frame and how I portrayed the uncanny trough my medium.

The biggest difficulty for me while working on the task was to cut down the four-minute track down to thirty seconds, with creating an awkward audio for the audience. Had the trailer been required to be forty-five seconds instead this problem would have been much easier to get through. Overall I also think that had it been fifteen seconds longer it would have been easier to convey the message since the topic is quite complex.

In conclusion, I think this unit is interesting as it gives you a new perspective on how to look at media especially with regards to how various feature can all contribute to conveying one main message.


Task 4 – Peer Review 2

Overall this trailer is a well put together idea. The music chosen was a right fit for the style of editing used. It makes use of good camera techniques in conjunction with the right editing. The only thing that bothered me is the uneven camera pans in multiple shots.

The uncanny in this trailer reflects the discrimination depending on the different ways we dress and look. Where just because a person dresses differently to what society is used to they can be treated as if they are not normal. The message behind the trailer is established in the first shot.

The location chosen was a good choice however I feel that it was misused. It lacked shots of the old stone on the sides and more atmosphere of the surrounding people in order to provide a better background, rather than an empty shot of the feet.

The first shot is good with a pan of the location, moreover I think that the title is an eyesore giving the shot a negative feel to the scene rather than enhancing it. I think that instead of having a very long pan in an upcoming shot this time could have been used to give the title more importance rather than just placed on the screen.

The second shot was a good reaction shot with the blurred background. I find the next shot to be a boring and long intro, it could have been made shorter. Which in turn would have given you time for the intro as mentioned earlier.

The shot showing the girl’s feet was somewhat confusing with regards to what was the message behind it. Since it was quite a long shot it might have been trying convey a certain aspect which unfortunately did not get through to the audience. However if it was to emphasise further on the different clothing that is worn by the rest of society it could have been shorter.

Personally I found the last shot to be most effective as it was framed beautifully and made the best use of low aperture. The movement of the protagonist with the focus and it’s connection to the environment to me produced a good shot.

I think that the shots are all compatible with the theme but the misuse of editing is what is letting this trailer down. Overall the is consistent filming being around sunset, Negative space is well used and not disregard.

Although all the shots are compatible to the theme given I think that the editing effected the trailer negatively. Overall the filming was consistent being that is was around sunset. In addition the negative space was well used and not disregarded.

Instead of making use of cuts, I feel that cross dissolves would have been a better way to transition between shots as it would have further emphasised the uncanny behind the trailer.

Although this might have been caused when uploading to youtube, one could note the thick black border which can be off-putting. Besides the border, I also found the sound to be too quiet and in order to have it complement the video correctly I put up the volume almost to a maximum.

Since this is only the trailer I am not in a position to comment about the perception of the story but rather how I think it’s going to resolve. I think that the protagonist is going to go through some disturbing events that suggest society around her is hating her.

Being that what we saw was a thirty second trailer rather than commenting on perception I feel I can comment on how I think it is going to resolve. I believe that the central character shown in the trailer goes through disturbing events suggesting that the society around her show hatred towards her possibly because she is not what the society feels is normal for a person.

In conclusion it was a well-presented trailer, with a good idea, good shots, however the editing could have been given some more thought in order to bring the whole idea together as a whole.

-Video credits to Cristina Micallef-



YouTube. (2018). Uncanny. [online] Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tQTuysElNms&feature=youtu.be [Accessed 14 Jan. 2018].

Composition in street Photography

Luca Vella. (2017). Composition in street Photography . [online] Available at: https://lucavella.com/2017/10/18/composition-in-street-photography/ [Accessed 14 Jan. 2018].

Task 4 – Peer Review 1

The trailer was well put together containing the right tempo, mystery and unknown. The music chosen was a right fit and how the music came in with the heartbeat is a good idea. Making good use of camera techniques in conjunction with the right editing. However the only thing that bothered me is the camera shake of the first shot.

The Uncanny in this trailer is the darkness and the unknown the paranormal. That was clearly marked in the video and even without the title at the end, it would have been clear in regards to context.

One way in which the message behind the trailer is being conveyed is the use of natural light together with the framing. This provides an indication that research was done beforehand in order to find different ways to portray the message.

In the first shot, a silhouette is seen indicating that there is an unknown. The protagonist is a dynamic shape and the surrounding area is a static shape indicating that the “story ” is going to be about her or something revolving around her.  The second shot Leading lines to the unknown at the end of the corridor. Same silhouette style from the previous shot. The next two shots are quite bright producing a contrast conveying the feeling of a brief hope that everything is going to be ok however this is proved to end quickly in the next shot. The last shot is that of a dark one taking the audience back to the paranormal theme that is being presented presented. The final shot is the title that screams at you, indicating that your initial assumptions were in fact right.

The movement isn’t one that’s smooth and natural but rather jerky, questionable and weird then again going on with the same overall theme. Overall the colour of this trailer is that of cool and dark. Negative space is well used and not disregard, the darkness the feel of emptiness is all that brings the edit together.

Rather than using cuts, cross dissolves where used in order to transition from one shot to another and this was another feature that gave it a sense of greater mystery.

The title makes use of font, colour, size and placement in the frame which greatly complement the feeling that is being conveyed in the title.

The location was not chosen at random however with the intention to give the story texture. This texture could be noticed on the walls and also on the floor.

Since this is only the trailer I am not in a position to comment about the perception of the story but rather how I think it’s going to resolve. I think that the protagonist is going to go through some disturbing events that suggest that she’s having paranormal anomalies.

Well done a well-presented trailer with the right idea in mind and the work produced reflects the message that is being delivered to the audience.


– Video credits to Idil Demicoli-



Paranormal – Uncanny Trailer

YouTube. (2018). Paranormal – Uncanny Trailer. [online] Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-kR_9iO8to&feature=youtu.be [Accessed 14 Jan. 2018].

Composition in street Photography

Luca Vella. (2017). Composition in street Photography . [online] Available at: https://lucavella.com/2017/10/18/composition-in-street-photography/ [Accessed 14 Jan. 2018].