Everyone at MCAST head about the website Behance a networking site for self-promotion. Fun fact it is owned by Adobe this helps its users to share items done on their software.
The Illustrations and designs are made by Tubik Studios. This company also makes illustrations for Ribbet. Ribbet is an APP, online API that helps users edit their photos. But even if you want a t-shirt a custom bag etc. just insert your logo, and you can also order them from their store directly. Instead of paying a local designer Ribbet hires designers to create mass designs that they are used to be modelled to the customer needs.
One of the designers that are hired by Ribbet at Tubik Studios is Evgeniy Tomashevsky. Evgeniy Tomashevsky is from Ukraine and also uses Behance to share his work with others.
Evgeniy Tomashevsky uses illustrator daily to create these marvelling designs. How he creates them is that first he grabs a pen and paper and starts drawing, then after many iterations of the drawing steps back and looks. Then it’s off to the scanner to scan the masterpiece that is already created.
Once an Analogue/Digital copy is made this is raster image is placed in illustrator and re-pen drew line by line. When this is done, the shapes are filled in with colour according to what fits.
– Experiment-
Trying to recreate Part 2 poster in illustrator.
This took a couple of hours to recreate. It’s the first time for me to create images in Illustrator and use clipping masks. My only disappointment is that I didn’t manage to create masks with gradient, hence the not natural blending between the images.
On the whole, i am proud of my self of accomplishing this result. Going head on to this task I didn’t know what I could achieve.
Behance.net. (2017). Behance. [online] Available at: https://www.behance.net/otakoyee_design [Accessed 17 Nov. 2017].
Dribbble. (2017). Evgeniy Tomashevsky. [online] Available at: https://dribbble.com/t1mash [Accessed 17 Nov. 2017].
icanbecreative. (2017). Case Study Of The Creative Process of Designing A Poster In Illustrator – icanbecreative. [online] Available at: http://icanbecreative.com/article/case-study-creative-process-creating-poster-in-illustrator/ [Accessed 17 Nov. 2017].
Tubik Studio. (2017). Case Study: Ribbet. Designing Illustration. | Tubik Studio. [online] Available at: https://tubikstudio.com/case-study-illustration/ [Accessed 16 Nov. 2017].