Task 1 – Defining Ideas. Part 3.

Street life for me is the life we live in but with no one around. When I think of running by my self, this is the type of street life I would like to portray.

When I think on how to shoot a place first I go to the location not with a camera but just with my phone on a note to write down what I like and dislike. Then after mentally preparing for the shoot I go on location and shoot what I have written the first time I went. This helps me visualise mentally what shot I am going to take.

Between the first and the second time, i research online in the form of images and colours to match to what is going through my head to that I vision in my work.

Color Palette.jpg

Colour Board

Mood Board.jpg

Mood Board


Flickr. (2017). FEAR – Dublin, Ireland – Color street photography. [online] Available at: https://www.flickr.com/photos/giuseppemilo/24226144354 [Accessed 28 Oct. 2017].

HERE, S. and HERE, S. (2017). Which is Better? Black and White vs Color for Street Photography. [online] ERIC KIM. Available at: http://erickimphotography.com/blog/2011/04/04/which-is-better-black-and-white-vs-color-for-street-photography/ [Accessed 28 Oct. 2017].

Meghan: Street Photography. (2017). Photography Inspiration. [online] Available at: https://meghanstreetphotography.weebly.com/photography-inspiration.html [Accessed 28 Oct. 2017].

Pinterest. (2017). Best 25+ Street photography ideas on Pinterest | Black photography, Street photo and White photography. [online] Available at: https://www.pinterest.com/explore/street-photography/?lp=true [Accessed 28 Oct. 2017].

Pinterest. (2017). Incredible India. [online] Available at: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/256423772511737927/?autologin=true [Accessed 28 Oct. 2017].

Pinterest. (2017). Photography-INDIA. [online] Available at: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/514536326148952210/?lp=true [Accessed 28 Oct. 2017].

Task 1 – Exploring trough images. Part 2.


Line 1

The lines and the perfect grid with the sea and new buildings being built.

Line 2

2 Leading lines to the trees going up.

Line 3

The road leading lines with the empty road implying a quiet town.

Line 4

Two leading lines to the countryside.

Line 5

The Mixture of lines with the stairs leading to someplace else, with the greenery.



Texture 1

The texture of the rock its self and the very narrow focus on the surface.

Texture 2

The full frame of the pure Maltese brick – il-Hajt tas-Sejjie?-

Texture 3

The modern construction and all we see in Malta on our streets.

Texture 4

An old pavement that has been tough all the elements it’s natural while giving a textured look.

Texture 5

The way the Light is falling on the Concrete wall.



Color 1

The brightest colour of the image is yellow contrasting the rest of the image.

Color 2

The Contrast of the road with the read Box on the side of the road.

Color 3

How the colours don’t “blend” with the environment making them stand out more.

Color 4

The Happiness off the swing set contrasting the loneliness of the park.

Color 5

The colour contrast again with the background with the sun hitting the bench.



Typography 1

The industrial look of the typography.


Typography 2

Creatively using typography to showcase football teams.

Typography 3

The huge and bold sign with the simple printing.

Typography 4

Typography showing an important event in time signifying the importance of society.

Typography 5

An old the deteriorated texture over time with typography.







Task 1 – Street Life. Part 1.

Everyone has a perception of street photography, this is up to the Photographer behind the camera to choose what the viewer will see and perceive in the image.

The Following Images are my view on street photography…



Henery Chalfant is an American photographer and videographer specialising in street photography with trains that have been painted over by graffiti artists. His primary research in life is subway art as he wrote multiple books in this field.

His first book titled subway art published in 1984 is his book that

“presenting stunning photographic documentation of the burgeoning movement in New York” –  Chalfant 1984 cover of Subway Art.

The following picture can be seen as a beauty but also the damage these street Artists have on the company running the trains.

This image has an image in an image as the graffiti its self is an image in the image the Chafalt is portraying. The viewer can appreciate the time that it took the artist to layer all that paint to finish with that masterpiece. The style the image was taken is the standard Henery Chafant stuck to all these years which seems to have the most impact on the viewer, a well-composed image with the symmetry of the train being present in the picture.

The Creative value of this image is that the photographer is in the right spot at the right time of day to snap the moment in time the graffiti will be stuck in his vision of the scene.

Amazon.com. (2017). Cite a Website – Cite This For Me. [online] Available at: https://www.amazon.com/Subway-Art-Henry-Chalfant/dp/0500292124 [Accessed 28 Oct. 2017].
Google.com.mt. (2017). henry chalfant – Google Search. [online] Available at: https://www.google.com.mt/search?rlz=1C1GGRV_enMT752MT752&q=henry+chalfant&spell=1&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjB9Or88ZLXAhVBJFAKHbhoCOMQBQgkKAA&biw=1920&bih=949 [Accessed 28 Oct. 2017].
Henrychalfant.com. (2017). Henry Chalfant. [online] Available at: http://www.henrychalfant.com/#filter=.home [Accessed 28 Oct. 2017].
Maltauncovered.com. (2017). Cite a Website – Cite This For Me. [online] Available at: https://www.maltauncovered.com/wp-content/uploads/valletta-street.jpg [Accessed 28 Oct. 2017].
Openwallsgallery.com. (2017). Cite a Website – Cite This For Me. [online] Available at: https://openwallsgallery.com/street-art-photography/ [Accessed 28 Oct. 2017].
Openwallsgallery.com. (2017). Cite a Website – Cite This For Me. [online] Available at: https://openwallsgallery.com/artwork/jordan-seiler-republika/
Continue reading

Daniel Chandler(Research)

Daniel Chandler Born 1952 in Britain and is a visual semiotician since 2001.

Books he Wrote :

Semiotics for Beginners (Daniel Chandler) 2005









En.wikipedia.org. (2017). Daniel Chandler. [online] Available at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daniel_Chandler [Accessed 23 Oct. 2017].

Visual-memory.co.uk. (2017). Transmission Model of Communication. [online] Available at: http://visual-memory.co.uk/daniel/Documents/short/trans.html [Accessed 23 Oct. 2017].


Semiotics is the study of signs, meaning making. Sign process and meaning communication. 

Words we say are a string of words

Letters are shapes

The word, The sound, The image, The meaning. 

Relearning a new meaning of a sign – new symbol 

Fathers of semiotics – 2

  1. Ferdinand de saussure

Swiss linguist, father of linguistics, no publications, semiotics – Semiology.


A sign is something which refers to something else.
A sign is made in 2 parts

  1. Signifier – word flower 
  2. Signified – actual flower ?

No actual connection between them. 

      A sign us any form of communication. 

      Signs have various meanings. 

      Denotation and connotation. 
      Denotation – meaning  dictionary will give you. What is actually means. 

       Connotation – secondary meaning, depending on the culture. 

      A language is a semiotic.


      A lesson with Mr Bugeja

      Getting the WordPress blog in order.

      It’s essential to have a blog in order using categories with a sleek and easy to use interface.

      When laying out the top header its good to break it into subcategories.


      The difference between Photoshop and Illustrator is that one is Raster (Photoshop) and the other is the vector. In both cases before starting a project to know your output size mostly when using Raster-based images. Since raster wors with pixels rather than lines so when it comes to enlarging it’s almost impossible as the pixels will just get bigger.

      Photoshop is mainly used to edit images while illustrator is primarily used to create Illustrations for high-resolution print example Billboards.

      Today’s,., Today’s 

      Lee Jeffrey’s

      Edwards Curtis’s 

      Richard Sandler

      The photograph is shaped more by the person behind the camera than by what is in front of it.

      Vague a specific  topic in the images.

      Context – culture change the color.

      Plutchik’s Wheel of Emotions

      Choosing an article. 

      ?ag??ug? iwe??a’ gravi wara ?abta – jintlaqtu xi parapetti
      F’dan l-artiklu nistu naraw li huwa wie?ed informattiv. 

      F’dan we?g?a ?g?a?u? u nafu xgara min persuna li kien hemmek meta ?ara l-a??ident. 

      Kif nistu naraw li vera hu le?ittimu. 

      Fil filmat nistu naraw kif kien ir risultat ta dan l-a??ident. 


      Starting on Illustrator and photoshop… 

      This is a sketch i did without any color a simple way to outline the subject.



      The first step is that to resize the image in Photoshop so it can be ready for the web. Doing this in photoshop is less fiddle than doing it in Illustrator.

      After used the Vector tool to scan the image and then with the pen tool edit the paths to suite my needs after color in the image using the desired colors.

      Screen Shot 2017-11-02 at 15.51.58.png

      The following was the original image given to us by the lecturer.


      Composition is key 

      Gestalt psychology

      Founded around the 20th century.

      Whole > parts

      Why somehting is placed or put.


      Plato – form

      R. Allegory of the cave


      Roland Barthes – french philosopher


      Portraits, body language facial expressions is a key.

      Hans memlin


      The golden triangle.

      Spirals. Are expressions of creativity.

      Definition of texture.

      Trapped sieres.

      Juxta position. –  Eisenstein
      Marco images of texture

      Work, and reading… 

      Roland Barthes, camera Lucida, Semiology – language of signs, Introduction_ Daniel chandler, beginners to semiotics, Gestult psychology,

      Are we really not connected.

      Composition is important, by using diagonals that intersect. When composing an image it’s important to use shadows, lights, so brightness and contrast and object to create the lines.

      Lines are curves.

      The golden ratio.

      Ratios are everthing.

      Which element to highlight?