Christopher Wylie used to work with Cambridge Analytica. He left. He became a whistleblower and told the world that Facebook was transferring personal data to Cambridge Analytica which was then making it available to political entities in America and UK.

It transpired that Facebook was not only giving information about 100,000 people who took part in what looked like a very innocent quiz game but also to all their friends. Quoting CNN “ the amount is now 87 million Facebook users”.

This personal information was then processed in an algorithm software, and a very detailed profile of every targeted user emerged. Six thousand of these users were Maltese. This was announced by the European Commission who said that “2.7 million citizens in 28 EU members states might have fallen victims of this scandal. The people profiled will receive propaganda which is intended to confirm or alter their voting patterns such as the Brexit issue or the US elections where Trump was elected.”

Quoting CNN , Aleksander Kogan, a Russian data scientist who gave lectures at St. Petersburg State University, gathered Facebook data from millions of Americans. He then sold it to Cambridge Analytica, which worked with President Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign.

In an interview with The Guardian, whistle-blower while said that the difference between Obama and Trump using Facebook is very clear. He says that Obama targeted people with information, but Trump targeted people with fake news only after knowing from their secret profile how to get it through. Vice news asked where is the data now?

“It could be stored in various parts of the world, including Russia, given the fact that the professor who was managing the data harvesting process was going back and forth between the UK and to Russia,” Wylie said.

Speaking to Maltese IT expert Dr Anton Ghio, he said that this is very dangerous. In fact, he deleted his Facebook as he is not willing to share his data without his consent. He insisted that Facebook is not safe anymore but would go on and say that even Whatsapp belongs to Facebook. Dr Ghio said that is so serious that on the day this news was out there, Founder and CEO of Facebook, Zuckerberg, lost 4 billion U.S. dollars while Facebook lost 100 billion U.S. dollars.

In this situation, one might think what would happen if this information would be available to robots who have already the artificial intelligence to not only analyse the data but learn strategies how it can be used. In this context, it is even scarier that our data will end up belonging to robots as this would make the quote of Profs Stephen Hawking very true.

“The emergence of artificial intelligence could be the worst event in the history of our civilization. It will transform or destroy society says Hawkins to NBC news a year before he died.”

It’s been two weeks since Chris Wylie went from faceless data expert to world-famous whistle blower by revealing that Cambridge Analytica gamed Facebook on behalf of right-wing causes like the Brexit “leave” campaign before the firm was hired for Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign. (Vice news)

Because of Wylie, we now know how Cambridge Analytica got its hands on 50 million Facebook users’ data and spread targeted political content, and how Facebook’s old privacy rules made it acceptable.

On this day, VICE News is Wylie’s fourth interview, and he’s not even close to done. Earlier in the day he’d given a witness statement to U.K. police, and attended a “Fair Vote” rally on Brexit, at which he was harassed. “I got attacked several times after,” he said. “I had bodyguards, and even then I had to be bundled into a car.”

(CNN)Cambridge Analytica whistle-blower Christopher Wylie says the data the firm gathered from Facebook could have come from more than 87 million users world wide and could be stored in Russia.



Anon, (n.d.). Cambridge Analytica whistleblower: ‘We spent €0.81m harvesting millions of Facebook profiles’. [online] Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FXdYSQ6nu-M.

Anon, (n.d.). Christopher Wylie: The Whistleblower Who Exposed Cambridge Analytica’s Facebook Scam (HBO). [online] Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9yPvRaKQikE.

Anon, (n.d.). Ex-Cambridge Analytica staff say Bolton super PAC used compromised Facebook data. [online] Available at: https://edition.cnn.com/2018/03/23/politics/john-bolton-super-pac-cambridge-analytica/index.html.

Anon, (n.d.). Wylie: Data might be from more than 87M users. [online] Available at: https://edition.cnn.com/2018/04/08/politics/cambridge-analytica-data-millions/index.html.

Anon, (n.d.). British physicist Stephen Hawking, among world’s greatest minds of science, dies at 76. [online] Available at: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/british-physicist-stephen-hawking-among-world-s-greatest-minds-science-n702301.


Task 2 Xan

The reaserch

  1. 2 teens 1 is 16 and the other allegedly 18. She sexts and sends the image to the guy. He shares it with the whole class and gets laughed at school. We find out that he’s 3 years older and dropped school.(Luca Story Board & Mood Board)
  2. This teen sends an image to a girl. He posts it public. Gets taken down (cut) but not all the way. A few months later the image is used by another old lady to get another guy attention. (Twan Story Board & Mood Board)


  1. The end result of the sexting with guidelines and without the proper prevention. The image is seen on google images as public. then a reverse to how it all started. this guy was talking to this girl, these kids are between 15 and 16 years of age. They agree to exchange images but her phone broke and when it was taken to repair the image was leaked. By using parallel cuts if safe and unsafe was used we proceed to the end. (luca) (Add text bubbles)





Mood Board Refs

https://www.unitedwaygmwc.org/TPP-Campaign/Sexting-Condom-Phone https://www.adsoftheworld.com/media/print/safernet_brasil_selfie

.’Why is sexting frowned upon by parents? They don’t know how to educate their children about the subject. Educate as their friend rather than their parents. Sexting is a result of miscommunication with parents about boundaries. Give them all the info and they make the decision rather than making the decision for them.reverse (Both Story Board & Mood Board)


Pixar -> 22 rules of storytelling

Focus on 1 rule.

“Once on a time there was ______. Every day, _______. One day _________. Becase of that, ________. Because of that, ___________. Until finally ________.”

Story Structure.

Inciting incident.

Actively pursuing.























































































































































All messages are different

You find your inspiration.


  1. Preparation
  2. Incubation
  3. Illumination
  4. Implementation




Reboot how we do things

Seeing beyond the realm of possibility, or what others think we should be doing.

Video : (William Wegman)at first disappointed but then embraced it, – good living.

Experimentation is key.

Ken Robinson, You have a value, Value is creating something you can be proud of.

Don’t be afraid to fail. The process is important as that to what happens at the end product.

Don’t  hesitate to deviate, experiment, change our mind.

It’s fine if thi..ngs don’t go to plan.

Changing Education Video

Failing should be an option to learn.

Experience is something that is graphed from who we are. To out selves go and experiment.

Thinking about who we are, our dreams.

Think about the possibilities.

Inspiration vs Creativity

  1. What are you interested in?
  2. What would you like to do?
  3. What do you want to improve?
  4. What does the world need?
  5. Is there any statement you would like to make?


  1. Technology, Media
  2. A media video
  3. Filming techniques
  4. More socialising
  5. It’s not always about money


Footage Short film

Consuming creative material. We are ingesting others ideas.

You are what you eat.


Meeting – be SMART ONLINE !

Mission safety of minors when using the internet, raise awareness. The soft Skills

  • HelpLine
  • HotLine

Average age 35 people working on the project.

Private setting on Facebook, Instagram is done.

reach parents trough companies.

Not addiction but overuse.

Workbooks for children for grades 5,6.


  • Sexting(Explore, Coercion / Violence, Relationships, Sharing)
  • Cyber-Bullying (24/7, Large Audience)
  • Digital Footprint (Reputation, Difficult to fix, It’s permanent)
  • Grooming (Sextortion, Innocence, Long Process)


Sharing is the real issue.

Audience: Large audience (teens 13 to 16)

Social media, Certain topics, Tv and also in classes.


Discussion Starter,(PSA)

Help line reference 179 helpline

IF you offer a solution help from adult or helpline.

Possible ideas

  • Hiding behind our monitors
  • Sexing image sharing
  • female preditor….

Know the risks

lolypop app

Hotline: www.childwebalert.gov.mt

Website: besmartonline.org.mt

email: mark.d.spiteri@mca.org.mt

Self-note research :

The most used internet platform amongst teens.

The Bulb doesn’t exist !


Creativity comes from time and sweat. (Plant, Muscle).

Exercise: Taking risks in life pays off. The best teacher is yourself. Make mistakes and learn from them.

Different paths.

Tron 2  Director use to do architecture videos before Tron.

Lesson 2 – Brief Outline

Tuesday 20th February meeting with the client.

When dealing with a client there is a checklist you should follow (on the brief).

Create an outline to ask the client.

Research is important.

Skills needed, dumb down the tech skills.

Professional Media Practice Intro



Professional media practice. Product used in the actual world. Advert. The product is more important. Dealing with the client.

Malta communications authority joint project with kummisarju tat-tfal, Agenzija Apogg. Next week meeting the clients.

Keep track of all client communication. In groups of 2.

When we group up why did we group up with each other. ? Self-Reflection. Same qualities or filling in the gaps of skills.  Professional speed dating with skills.

List of good skills and band skills.

Knowing how to handle the situation.

Will be launched with a press conference.

First Lesson









Graphic Design

Doc/ Blogs

Music Video





S.M / Adverts/ Marketing


Task 4 – Evaluation

During this unit, I learned the psychological effect on people through adverts and how media is being presented. This is important if you want to produce a very powerful advert and attract the viewers’ attention.

The project I presented was about the full trashcans and what we, as a community, can do to prevent this. The feedback given was helpful and had there been more time I would have tried to further improve and strengthen the images. Adding more rubbish on the floor surrounding the trash helps to further suggest the message being conveyed. Had the photos been edited to have the trash cans in colour while the rest of the image in black and white instead of the blur effect could have further highlighted the message behind the set of photographs presented.

The images produced were quite similar, an oversight on my part when planning as shooting in different locations would have produced a more effective campaign.

It is a clear message however not that obvious to many people. Moreover, the research that was carried out at the beginning of the assignment helped to create an effective idea.

The progress during the unit was slow but steady always busy focusing on a small part of the project at a time. I find that the process used where the larger picture was divided into smaller tasks was effective in order to have an overall smooth experience.

Task 1 was the base of this unit, finding your passion in line with the social issues. The issue which I chose to focus on is one which I try to carry out on a regular basis whenever I can’t find a trashcan or it is already full. Therefore this unit helped me to explore the unknown uncanny to get the message through to the viewer.